Entry #1. My Hobby is Camping

 I really don't have many hobbies.  If I had to choose from the few that I have, it would be camping.  I guess the reason that I really don't have many hobbies is because I am usually so busy with work, my daughter, and school.  I enjoy the outdoors so this is probably why camping became one of my hobbies.  Another contribution would probably be the fact that I am from the islands and we enjoy doing things outdoors.

My version of camping is by tent and not a lodge or recreational vehicle.  My daughter and I use camping to spend time with each other.  We both enjoy telling stories at night by the campfire.  Camping gives us time to do things together like biking around the campground and enjoying walks along the beach or lake depending on the location.  If we are located by the lake, we normally try to fish or do some boating.  

Camping all around is a great way to spend time with family and friends.  It has an array of activities that everyone can participate in.  Camping is not for everyone, you must like the outdoors and don't mind bugs and mosquitoes.  Activities can be kept on dry land or you can enjoy the water as well if the campground is located near a lake or beach.  Everyone can enjoy camping during the summer and even winter time. 


  1. Hey there! Wow you got me into camping! Thank you for that! Reading that you can take your children and including ideas was fantastic. I believe taking time for yourself is important and teaching that to your daughter is a very good start.

  2. Hi, I wish I could deal with insects so I would be able to go camping. It always seemed so intriguing to me.

  3. Hey, you made me realize how much I miss camping, the whole outdoors and sleeping in tents by a campfire, I use to camp when I was a lot younger. Sadly I don’t have as much time anymore to camp and no one to camp with. I like to add, I really love the second photo you used. It looks so pretty and breathtaking, I’m glad you’re able to go camping with your daughter and spend quality time with her.


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