Entry #2. My Only Child

 I always dreamed of having a daughter or two when I became an adult.  I didn't see my future without kids.  I have a huge extended family and I was always used to being around or babysitting babies and toddlers.  I always told my mom that I wanted a girl because I can relate being a female as well.  The  thought of dressing little girls in cute dresses, getting their prom dresses and then their wedding dresses.

I was fortunate to have one child and I got a girl.  I knew that there would be struggles in life, but I was not prepared for the challenges that the future had for me.  After giving birth, I found out that my daughter needed surgery due to having a soft cleft palate.  She also had to have tubes put into her ears.  Twenty-one years later, she got diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and she was in the stage four phase.  All that I could think of was how I was fortunate, but I felt like I was being reminded of how fortunate I really was.

I had them do both surgeries after I was able to hold her for the first time.  We battled the rare cancer together months after months until it was gone.  I cried and I was so sad, but I still felt fortunate that she was given to me even with the challenges.  I always asked myself why it was happening to me and if I did something wrong.  I learned that life can throw you curve balls, but you just have to stay strong and make yourself believe that you can overcome any obstacle as long as you try.


  1. Lyna--Your blog is looking really great so far. Engaging layout and format. Clear voice and authentic tone. Personable and thoughtful. Interesting topics and content. Keep developing and analyzing and connecting to your audience; don't forget that this is not a personal blog, so make sure when you write about personal topics to make connections out to others. Great work! Keep it up!

    Thank you for sharing about your daughter. I am glad she (and you) were able to battle cancer and win!


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