Entry #5. Mayhem


The Allstate Tailgater advertisement is what I chose to discuss.  The point of this advertisement was simply made and understandable.  Allstate couldn't go wrong with this advertisement.  

This advertisement shows a man driving while another man is tailing him.  The man is shown constantly looking at his side view mirror and not paying attention to what is in front of him.  The mayhem happens when he is preoccupied watching the vehicle tailing him that he ends up crashing into a pickup truck in front of him.  

I believe the main focus or point of this advertisement is that we should make sure to have the proper insurance coverage for all types of accidents.  It is relaying the message that we should sign up with Allstate who offers insurance coverage for all types of incidents.  Allstate is trying to convince viewers that they have the better options for insurance over their competitors.  The author of this advertisement wants viewers to think about their insurance coverage and to contact Allstate to become an Allstate member and either add or upgrade their coverage.  The advertisement makes you think about a possible mayhem situation that may happen to you and question yourself if you have all the coverage you need.


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