Entry #6. Las Vegas


Ever since I was ten years old, I was fascinated with Las Vegas.  I had the opportunity to experience it as a child.  My family planned a reunion at the Circus Circus Hotel & Casino.  It was the perfect setting for us children because the hotel had an entire kids station located upstairs above the casino.  The parents were able to gamble downstairs while the children played carnival style games upstairs.  

The thought of Las Vegas being a party city is true, but it also hosts business ventures and conventions.  Yes, it is known to be a party location, but it's not just about that.  I have been going to Las Vegas every other year since I was eighteen.  I make trips there for weddings, conventions, and more.  As for me, I am not so into the party scene.  I noticed that the majority of the party crowd are people ranging in age from eighteen to forty.  The party seems to run 24/7 at the pool to the night clubs.

Nowadays, I don't really feel Las Vegas to be all the hype they make it out to be.  I just think that maybe it is overrated and has grown old on me.  My trips there don't really include activities on the strip, but instead, I go to old Las Vegas or the outskirts.  They host several outdoor events like concerts, but it just gets too crowded and some kind of fight always breaks out.  I look at it now as if it is a place to go get drunk and get way too loose.  

The strip is not the same as it was back then.  These days, it is overcrowded with people drinking alcohol and smoking weed all along the sidewalks.  It is also full of men giving out small strip club flyers that just get tossed on the sidewalks and then get picked up by a child.  Yes, Las Vegas is a party town, but people with children still bring them on the strip.  I just think that there should be a little bit more decency and respect.  Others may have a different opinion, but there is no law or rule that says people with children can't bring them on the strip.  While all this is happening, there are homeless people living under the bridges all through the city.  With everything mentioned, I really don't make it out there unless need be.


  1. Hey Lyna! Your blog is very detailed, from beginning to end and you did not switch your tone when talking about the pros and cons, very amazing! Thank you for your input in Las Vegas, you were very welcoming but didn't hide the bad side of Vegas in a respectful way.

  2. Ah Las Vegas, I never been to it but I have heard so many stories about it despite the whole "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." I find it interesting to see your views on Las Vegas and how you feel it's overrated now. It seems to me from what I've read, it doesn't live up to the hype anymore and I wish people wouldn't bring their children there.

  3. I absolutely love Las Vegas! I have very good memories of that place, especially going with my mom last summer. Sometimes I do think that it's overrated, and I wouldn't choose to go there if I was the one who had to drive (haha), but once I am there I usually end up enjoying myself.

    1. The above comment is me by the way! The site wouldn't let me post comments under my original account so I had to create a new one.


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