Entry #7. Farming to Food
The Reisinger dairy herd the day a cattle buyer came with big trailers to haul them down the road. (Courtesy of Brian Reisinger)
The Process of Food
People don't really have the real details of what it takes to get food to places for sale to consumers. Livestock from small farms was the way to go back in the days. Nowadays, everything has to do with mechanical equipment and automation in huge factory run farms. You go to the grocery store, fast food restaurant, food truck or a dine in restaurant and you never think about the process of how the food got to you. Now you have choices between organic and non organic food.
Eating healthy has been around for a long time. Some people just thought that it was about cutting back on fatty foods and taking in lower calories. In our present time, we have the organic option now. You can go to the grocery store and find a regular pack of ground beef, but you will also see organic grass fed beef. If you really pay attention to the labels on food, new words like organic, natural or grass fed are now everywhere you look.
The old ways of farming are different from the modern mechanism way. The large corporation farms inject antibiotics into their animals and use pesticides. Not all large corporations, as there are some that do not, but it is a scarce amount. Everyone should start reading food labels and seeing the difference.
This is supposed to be an entry about the film Fresh.