Entry #8. Movie and Music Remakes


Movies and music go way back for years.  People can still watch classics on television as they are still being shown during certain times mainly as specials.  Music from the eighties and nineties are still being played on the radio.  People are still downloading old music from YouTube or other forms.  Old movies are available to be viewed via streaming methods.

New music and movies are being released year round.  The problem with some of the new movies is that they are remakes of older movies.  There are so many ideas out there for movies, but producers and directors are going back to remaking older movies.  Some remakes are alright, but others should have never been remade.  A horrible remake actually ruins the original film for some people.

Music has so many genres.  Musicians have tried to remake some old music, but should have left it alone.  Nowadays, there are artists that are sampling other artists' music with their own music.  Again, some should not even attempt it.  Musicians are even being sued for sampling other artists' music without the proper rights from the original artist.  As mentioned, some things should be left original.


  1. I agree with you that new copies of old music and movies are being issued and trying to amend and add paragraphs to them. Specifically, the old music has a kind of originality and sophistication. It is inappropriate to manipulate the melody and words to turn them into the music of our time today.


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