Entry #9. Eggs


Eggs are great to eat as a snack or a meal.  Do we really know what type of eggs we are eating when we are at a restaurant or going through a fast food joint?  When you look at a menu, have you noticed that it just says eggs, but not what type?  Some people prefer white eggs over brown eggs.  There are people that prefer to have organic eggs.  We don't even know if they are fresh eggs or liquid eggs.

I chose to write this blog about eggs because I just recently found out some information when I was having breakfast at a restaurant.  I think that the information I am about to reveal is interesting to know.  I overheard another guest asking for fresh eggs when they were placing their order and I was a bit confused at first.  When my server came to take my order, I asked her if there were different types of eggs that they use to make their omelets.  She confirmed that there were two types, but they don't advertise it and it's only if you ask for it.  She told me that they use liquid eggs instead of fresh eggs for their omelets.  I was shocked to hear this information.  I always thought that they made everything with fresh eggs.  I asked if they had organic eggs as well, but she told me that they don't use anything organic.  Wow!  I also asked if the fresh eggs were white or brown and she said that they only use white eggs.

All this information was very interesting and shocking.  With a lot of people trying to eat healthier, it is really good to know this information.  It would be nice if restaurants stated this information on their menus, but I guess they may fear that customers may turn away from eating at their establishment.  I had this restaurant's omelets in the past, so this time I tried to order my omelet with fresh eggs.  Oh boy, I could taste the difference.  I prefer the fresh eggs and I will be ordering that from now on.  If you are ever out at a restaurant for breakfast, try and ask if they have different types of eggs and maybe you will learn something new as well.


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