Entry #2. My Only Child

I always dreamed of having a daughter or two when I became an adult. I didn't see my future without kids. I have a huge extended family and I was always used to being around or babysitting babies and toddlers. I always told my mom that I wanted a girl because I can relate being a female as well. The thought of dressing little girls in cute dresses, getting their prom dresses and then their wedding dresses. I was fortunate to have one child and I got a girl. I knew that there would be struggles in life, but I was not prepared for the challenges that the future had for me. After giving birth, I found out that my daughter needed surgery due to having a soft cleft palate. She also had to have tubes put into her ears. Twenty-one years later, she got diagnosed with a rare type of cancer and she was in the stage four phase. All that I could think of was how I was fortunate, but I felt like I was being reminded of how fortunate I...