Entry #10. Concert Ticket Prices

Concerts are awesome events. The joy and excitement rise within people as the days come closer to seeing their favorite artists perform live. People go shopping for outfits to wear to the event. Females get their hair and nails done as well. The question is, have you ever thought about how much people spend to attend concerts? The price for concert tickets have gotten ridiculously high. Just looking at the artist Drake's concert ticket prices made my stomach hurt. Drake's concert tickets are about the same as paying for your mortgage or making two to three car payments. Taylor Swift's tickets are pricey as well. I have nothing against them, it's just that I can't see myself paying such a high price. If you add up the ticket price, the salon, an outfit, and parking, the total is really scary to look at. Parking is normally in the range of $20-$25, but can go up to $50 if you park closer to the venue. The ticket price gets ...